Ancar Tax Group is a full-service tax firm, based in Atlanta.
Ancar Tax Group, LLC is a consulting firm providing tax preparation, tax compliance, tax planning, accounting, and IRS dispute resolution services. Our clients include individuals, governmental agencies, non-profits, small businesses, and small to mid-size companies. We are available year-round to answer questions and provide guidance.
Anthony Carter is the president of Ancar Tax Group, LLC. He has extensive experience in federal and state tax compliance, indirect tax compliance, auditing and consulting. Anthony has undergraduate and master degrees in Accounting & Taxation. He worked as a senior tax auditor with the state of Georgia and as a consultant and tax manager with several large companies in Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix and Tampa.
Experienced Advisor
Throughout my career, I have focused on being a problem solver. People want answers. My firm provides truthful answers to tax and business related problems. Honesty and integrity. That’s Ancar Tax Group, LLC, and that’s what I represent.
One Step Ahead
Ancar Tax Group stays abreast of the latest tax laws and regulations pertinent to our clients. We help our clients with tax planning strategies that help them plan for the future and to avoid unplanned and unforeseen tax liabilities, and also use a state-of-the-art secure portal to protect your tax and financial data.
Knowledge Is Power
Knowledge is power. But “unapplied knowledge in no knowledge at all” (Steven Covey). We are committed to providing our clients with the knowledge and information to make good tax and business decisions. But we also encourage our clients to implement that knowledge by being proactive with the advice we provide.